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About Us

Welcome To Nosaform

We all like to dress well, decent at the least. But it’s time consuming to look through website after website for men’s belts, then for bracelets, and then again for bags and necklaces and other men’s accessories. And that’s why we created Nosa Form LLC and nosaform.com,so that men could find all they need under one brand and in one website.What we make and sell comes from wanting those accessories, those missing pieces that take our wardrobe from plain to fresh, ill, sick, dope, nice, whatever you want to call it, and complete our “look”. Nosaform.com is the place to come to for guys that are looking for a variety of men’s accessories- belts, bracelets, necklaces, collar stays, etc. With excellent quality at an affordable price. For now we’re starting out small and with only a few products, but our long term goal is to provide as close to a “one stop shop” as possible for men’s accessories.

What exactly does Nosa Form mean?

Nosa is short for Coyanosa and Form is a synonym for design, so it’s basically just word play on Coyanosa design. And that’s really what you’re getting when you choose to buy one of our products. A product designed by someone that was born and raised in Coyanosa and the West Texas area.

Tell me about your
Our logo is our simplified version of gears working together to function properly. It is a reminder to always do things the right way and never take shortcuts. It is our promise to you, the customer, to have great products and amazing customer service and engagement.
What is your company’s tagline?
omplete your wardrobe, complete your lifestyle.” Every person expresses themselves differently, that’s what makes us all unique. What we wear and how we wear it is an expression of ourselves and our lifestyle. Adding an accessory or two helps complete your wardrobe and complete your lifestyle.
Nosa Form owner and founder Luis Porras created Nosa Form in 2014 with the intention of forming a lifestyle company that excels in quality and makes a multitude of products geared toward accessorizing men. He comes from the small West Texas farming town of Coyanosa (population is only 110). With a background in art, design, drafting, 3D modeling and with a passion for dressing well, he hopes to see his dream turn into reality.

That brings us to where we are now, trying to provide you with the best quality products available at the best possible prices, and the customer experience you deserve- the best one of course. We hope you enjoy our website and our products, and come back time and again for all your men’s wardrobe accessory needs.